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Google's Latest Update. Is Your Website Ready? Ask Kelly.

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Google is finishing its latest update in English speaking countries. This is called Google’s Helpful Content Update. A big chunk of this update is around a website’s content. A way to check if your content is “okay” or “oh no ” is to look at https://www.siteliner.com/. It is free to use.Want us here at Beyond Indigo Pets to look at your website with the focus on “Is your website going to pass with flying colors?” Please post your website domain/url here, e.g. www.animalhospitalusa.com. Or, if you want to reach out to us, DM me by clicking the envelope at the top of the page or email me at kelly@beyondindigo.com. This is not a sales conversation. This is an educational conversation only.Have questions about the update? Please post them here. Google can be a tricky bugger so it helps to unravel their updates through discussion.

I look forward to your thoughts!


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  • Flutter of Butterflies Group


I read you wrote about this update to in your newsletter and remembered you suggested people come talk to you here about it. I am wondering if my website will make the cut so to speak. I did www.siteliner.com and I think my website might be in the "grey zone" do you mind taking a look at it? However I don't want to paste it here. How do I get the site to you and where do you post the results?

Wagging Tail

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Hello Wagging! This is correct! On this forum we have an easy way for you to reach out to me privately. You can use this feature to reach out to anyone on this forum that you see. So up near the top of the page you will see a little envelope. It is on the second line right under the name of the forum. You can see it here in this screen shot. It is right next to the little bell that has a 3 above it. (FYI this means you have 3 notifications to read if this was your page).  Click that envelope.


Another little screen will pop up. Click the "compose new" pink button.


Then type out a message to me with the domain name of your website just like an email. I will get a notification about it on my VetMarketingTalk.com page as well as a copy in my email. I will respond back to you the same way unless you want me to send it to a specific email address. If so please include it in the message.


I look forward to hearing from you!



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  • Flutter of Butterflies Group


I was just leaving Dr. Natalie a note about revenue and saw your post about Google. I sent you a quick message via that little envelope thingy. Can you let me know you got it please?


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