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It all seems to be hitting at once!

Northside Animal Hospital

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  • Flutter of Butterflies Group

Inflation and/or recession. Difficulties hiring and the future looking like a shortage coming. 

It just really feels like we are in the perfect storm and we are really feeling the crunch here and aren't really doing a good job of keeping our heads above water. We are overloaded with appointments now and we don't want to rush clients through. 

What is everybody else seeing and does anybody have any tips that have worked for them navigating this difficult time?

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  • Flutter of Butterflies Group

I wish I had some words of wisdom, but it feels like we are in the same boat as you. Something else that has been affecting us is our online reviews. We are trying to get to as many clients as possible but we are booked out well in advance, and we are getting tanked in most of our online reviews of late. Not sure how we are going to find the balance between speed and service. 

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  • Administrators

Hello all!

Sometimes when it feels like everything is hitting at once, it helps to make a list of all the objects hitting your mental radar so to speak and then pull out the top three issues. Staffing is hard and I suggest you pop a message to Stacy Purcell in her thread here at the Fountain Report Forum. She can assist in that matter. Now what I can help out with is Online Reviews. Those can be a bugger but are super important. Why? Because we have been conditioned to use reviews as part of our decision making process. Here is an older video but still really impactful on how we shop today by Google. It is less than 2 minutes. You won't even finish your coffee if you just click really quick and watch.

If your online reviews have a theme to them take a look at the complaints and try to fix that particular issue. If you have other more specfic questions about the review process let me know! Ask away!


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